Gramps has still got it... Both grandpa stan and fooks. was to get on stage and say good bye to 2007. The best part of the show was colllabarting with wonderful Pony Girl and Velvet... bit of fun between friends, and with a very appropriate anti-ageist undertone! Was the first New years spend away from the beach with all my lovely homies around me. first time in a city since being 18.. and what a city... decribed best as a warzone as the clocks ticks over to 2008 as every child and grandma lights there own fireworks, a haze of smoke settles through out the city and red dye from the paper covers the streets for days after.
It snowed here the forst dy of 2008, which was lovely for drinking more mulled wine. Glühwien whcih is the savour of christmastime in Germany. Christmas was spent down south, gettin some real german tradition up me... if it wasn,t for the snowboardin and isa i could have done with out it!
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