Samstag, 21. Juli 2007

PlanetProzess // zwischen raum und kunst

20.07.2007 - 19.08.2007
curvy str. 3-4 berlin

International street art exhibition

Kreuzberg berlin...

Waldeyerstraße nach TU

Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2007

funny little berlin beg in my bunk bed

, fuck Alice, ...
This is a massive advertisment for a phone company, they did heaps anticipation campaigning,.. saying alice is coming alice is coming. with these massive pictures of her then, ´she`was just a phone company. so some wicked feminst activitist climbed the scaffolding a cut sexism out of the image.. yeah wuckin ha!

this is a small part of the Mauer Park, which most of the amazing landscape design features are brilliantly unoticable because of the graffiti! but this is a scene where, like every park in berlin the maintenance is very low. like tiergarten is more like a forest rather than a park. this is people hiding amongst the brushes chilling out getting a little bit a space.

east german kids fo sho

what is a better thing to do in what is the former site of the ´death strip´between the east west dividing walls... Its amazing the way that berlin and germany has taken responsiblitly for its past. Through design, arts, culture... in so many ways there is acknowledgment of what has happened on this land. if only Australia could fucking well do the same thing... Although this photo is of a purely recreational space there is an abundance of places that you are just unable to escape remembering. these i wont post on the blog...

Rot und Blau Thema Berlin ALTERNATIVE CSD

transgenialer CSD/AlternativePolitical Berlin Gay Pride

To prepare for the DykeTrans March 2007 the Collective had a spot at the Transgenialer CSD to do a promo. At first we thought to do a performance. So we worked on this fun show, but then time constraints and the never ending flow of discussion content we decided to do a speech instead. The speech was intentionally vague and we confused abot what we where talkign about an why. This was intended to be a tool to invite more people to come to the meetings and have discussion queer politics and about what it means to have a dyke trans march. it went well, except we where on really late and so instead of listening to a speech most people wanted performance or music, saun and i definately included!But since saun and i worked on that project we,ve become close mates... so good things come from not the most exciting projects!
Saun made a short doco of this speech and parade so ... if ya want it i can send it.
10 years ago they started charging a fee to have a van in the mainstream CSD demonstration. Of course this coincides with politics being droped from the agenda of the parade and comercialistion taking it over. But 10 years ago the alternative crew turned their van around and strated there own. Its great to be able to be a part of the `CSD`but also not have to be around all the mainstream pink dollar shit...


So mum popped over to europe for a quick cuppa. and i though hey lets go to italy and eat pasta and see the coast, enjoy the weather. Instead we spent 3 days in Rome seeing every old stone, church, buiilding statue, painting, tower, rock, cathedral, did i mention old stones, statues, museum, had a crayk at Opera, but bailed on that and went to back to the Vatican for the evening experience!
look it was all a bit much for me, but jee wizz can Mum look at stuff. after a while one Mchaelangelo painting looked like a carravaggio! nah.. it was great going to Rome with mum. i think if a hadn,t of gone with her i wouldn,t have been keen on doing a lot of things we did. But i guess thats what Rome is. This crazy hell old city, by the end of the trip i was proud to where my Michelangelo t-shirt!

other than that .... alls ist egal! neh nicht wahr!! du musst fragen!