Trannies and queers from all over the world flocked to Amsterdam for a a wicked line up of transfilms and discussion panals. Trans parenting, trans porn, trans politics, trans performance, trans photography and trans (P?)queer experiences... I was amazed at the infrasturction and support for such an event, if only Australia could have been there. Maybe theres a way...
Buttkraaker No 4
Warsaw CSD - Gay Pride
It was only 2 years ago that it became legal for the Gay pride March to be held in the capital of Poland Warsaw.I had been warned prior to going that there would be many nazi,s and opppositional demonstrators. Numerous poeple had retold the story of how last year a German person was imprisoned at the demonstration. But in my experience i wondered what could have happened to imprison someone because it felt so peace loving a rainbow flag happy! There where of course oppositional demonstrators that the police kept seperated. For met The demonstration felt a little a-political and now that the gay and lesbian comunity can be out and proud on one day of the year and the rest of the year earn the pink dollar they are happy But i,m sure for many Polish queeers they are enjoying every smll success against the heavily catholic and right wing nation... so i was totally happy to celebrate and support them... I guess this is an instance where the EU has been able to make countries accountable for discrimnation and prejudice(?)
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