Dienstag, 17. April 2007

end of before beginning of now... GETtin AMONGST IT!

so this weekend is the end of the start and the beginning of everything else that i presume will come. This weekend as well as having had amazing revelations about who i am and where i come from (please insert a little sarcasm), it was also heaps of fun...

In Melbourne i had sympathy for international students and i understood that it must be difficult... but i never knew this from a personal angle... now i will forever help any lost student at uni. i will choose to be there partner in class. but the worst part is administration. its is fucking hell. At RMIT the beaurocracy was a nightmare... but times that by ten and put it all into german! i dont speak German, but have learn,t to nod, smile, walk away and somehow work that shit out. Friday night was the international students welcome party, something thats sounds so damn daggy would usually just not be up my alley, but eh what the heck, what am i gonna loose? So a took a new frequently used motto ´"get amongst it!" and had a right laugh. i was told by someone "oh u wont meet people there that will be intellectually engaging..." my response was.. "well if u are right at least i,ll have someone to say hello to as we pass in the corridor..."
i feel subjects, enrolment and logistics are sorted now and i,m excited to start classes. My design project(studio) is in German however the teacher is English and will provide texts in english and give extra assistance. I think this will work well learning Design and German at the same time. The site for the design project is the forecourt of the University. I like this because it has a good client(Students) and its Berlin based. As students we nay be working alongside the Designer who has actually been contracted to design the space. My other two subjects are in English and are Technical Infrastructure and the Management of Urban Resources and Urban and Regional Development:Evolving Patterns and Mechanisms. These suit me fine as they correspond quite well to subjects I can get accredited for at RMIT Melbourne.
saturday like all other Berliners lounging around lazily in the sun. There are so many wonderful in this city to explore and ...(lie in and cope with the hangover and fatigue from the night before!(mum and dad i,ve got keppra!)) Then after scoring some tickets from some guy on the street we preceeded to a Scissor Sisters Konzert! and damn it was good! they where so camp and so much fun! i was so excited that i was dancing then i,d realise i wasn,t dancing at all instead kind of jolting with anticipation!! the show was so camp, it was brilliant!.. then we went to some punk music that was good , but i,m not so into the skanking thing. then a party of a friends... that was an early night also...!
Then sunday ... back to a park, this time mauer park. There a wicked flea market there. but i shouldn,t go when i,m a little tired because i came away with a bright pink silk sports jacket! Bailed on dance class on Sunday night to meet with a friend and go to The Blow KonZert.. band from the states. And damn it was great too! She was very funny and so talented. After the show i asked her to be my best friend!! but seriously its so good to be able to go and see great music so frequently.

ok done now

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